Lessons learned from Maeve Binchy on making a will and changing your will regularly
As you might expect making a will is not something that people generally like to talk about but when it comes to the will of the rich and famous people take a huge interest in how these people distributed their estates. One such example was the will of popular Irish writer, Maeve Binchy.
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Including Vulnerable/Disabled Adult Children when Making a Will

Making a will, including children under 18 years of age and picking the right trustees to look after their inheritance until they are old enough is a difficult task. An even more difficult task is when your child is an adult with special needs and/or suffering from a disability.
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A Will is a legal document which sets out your wishes for all of your affairs after your death and appoints a person (or persons) to make sure these wishes are followed. Some of the most common questions we come across are: why make a will? What happens if I die without making a will and the most common questions of all is what can I put into my will and what can’t I put into my will?
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