As specialist Solicitors in Probate we are happy to assist or advise you in any aspect of your relatives/friends estate or will....
International Services
We have been practising extensively in the area of Probate for over 20 years and during that period have provided services to many foreign lawyers and non-residents....
Making a Will
We have dealt with many clients who have made Wills over the years and are proud of our record of client care....
Enduring Power of Attorney
We have dealt with many clients who have made Enduring Power of Attorneys over the years and are proud of our record of client care....
Contesting a Will
J R PLUNKETT are available to provide you with expert advice and legal services in the area of contesting a will....
J R PLUNKETT are specialists in Wardship applications. We have dealt with many Wardship applications over the years and are proud of our record of client care....
Care Representative Applications
J R PLUNKETT are specialist in Care Representative Applications and Nursing home loans with a reputation for providing a client focused service....
Frequently Asked Questions
As specialist Solicitors in Probate we are happy to assist or advise you in any aspect of your relatives/friends estate or will....