Changing Solicitors: How Can I Transfer Files Between Solicitors?
Think of it like reading a book, if you like the author, the style of his/her writing and language and how easy it is to follow what the author is writing about then you will continue reading, if you do not then you will most likely put down that book and find another one to read. The same can be said about probate services you avail of from probate solicitors, whether it be making a will, enduring power of attorney or dealing with Probate matters from grant of probate, it is essential that you are comfortable with how your probate solicitor communicated with you and that you fully understand the probate process as you move through it.
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Cross Border Estates – UK Estates with Propery in Ireland – Irish Probate

In dealing with many UK Solicitors and Legal Personal Representatives[1] over the years it has become apparent that often situations can arise that result in principles of Irish law having applicability in the estates of foreign domiciled individuals. We regularly provide Irish Probate assistance to UK solicitors when they are dealing with an estate that contains an Irish property.
learn moreA Guide to Probate in the Republic of Ireland for Irish Assets in UK Estates
A Guide to Probate in the Republic of Ireland for Irish Assets in UK Estates The need to extract a Irish Grant of Probate or Grant of Administration in the Republic of Ireland arises often in the context of the administration of UK Estates. This is unsurprising due
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The Cost of Probate in Ireland: Who will pay? Who has a say?

Irish Probate Costs: Who will pay? Who has a say? If you are an executor (if there is a will) or an administrator (if there is no will) you will be in charge of selecting a solicitor to assist you in making an application to the Irish Probate Office for an Grant of
Very often Executors or Administrators of UK estates will find that there is an Irish asset to be dealt with, such as a bank account, life assurance policy or shares in an Irish registered company.
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