
Rights of the Beneficiaries

Rights of the Beneficiaries Who chooses the estate solicitor? In the administration of an estate, a solicitor is normally appointed by the person in charge of looking after the estate. When there’s a Will, this person is normally the Ex

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The Thoughtful Testator


Ensuring Smooth Administration of Your Will Lately, we have been asked by a number of clients how they can ensure that, after they are gone, the adminis

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When it comes to Irish probate, like with many areas of Irish law, there are many myths, speculations and uncertainties out there amongst people which can cause a lot of confusion, expectations and fear of the Irish probate process. When the time comes for a person to need to understand the Irish probate process after the death of a loved one, these uncertainties and confusion are the last thing a person needs. That’s why we, at Probate.ie, have put together this myth busting guide to Irish Probate to confirm the true theories for you and debunk the false misconceptions people in Ireland have about the Probate process, so that when you need it, you can feel confident you know how to approach this subject.

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Banner gavel

Children and Parents Wills – Children’s Rights Under The Succession Act 1965 – Possible future changes to law

The Succession Act, 1965 allows a child apply to court to challenge the will of their parent and claim that the parent has not provided for them under their will.

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J R PLUNKETT the Lean Irish Probate Machine

The reality is that the backlog in the Probate Office is outside of the control of all probate solicitors and clients. The only steps that can be taken are to ensure that the application is prepared promptly and comprehensively to ensure that no queries arise once it is submitted for the first time.

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Tracey Solicitor learn how to minimise Irish Probate delays

2 Malahide Road, Dublin 3,
D03 A6Y0, Ireland

Office hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm